
PHS Blog: The Veterinary Practice Owner’s 4-Step Guide to Selecting Employee Health Benefits

Veterinary practice owners are dedicated to health. It’s the foundation of a lifelong commitment to animals. But while veterinary practice owners and managers are experts on caring for animals, navigating the confusing world of employee health, is, well, a whole different animal.

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  • Is My Employer-Sponsored Disability Insurance Enough?

    Is My Employer-Sponsored Disability Insurance Enough?

    In Disability Insurance on

    You’ve got a full-time job, and your employer offers disability insurance at little or no cost to you. That should be enough, right? Well, you might still need additional protection.

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  • Resolve to Maintain Your Eye & Mouth Health This Year

    Resolve to Maintain Your Eye & Mouth Health This Year

    In Dental, Vision on

    It’s the beginning of a new year, and lots of people are making resolutions. Many will resolve to get in shape by exercising more. But probably far too few will make a commitment to adopting healthy eye and mouth habits. What about you?

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  • Our Strong Commitment to Breast Cancer Prevention and Awareness

    Our Strong Commitment to Breast Cancer Prevention and Awareness

    In Breast Cancer Awareness on

    In the realm of veterinary medicine and healing, your compassionate hearts extend to the animals in your care. Yet, as we embrace Breast Cancer Awareness Month, we encourage you to turn that same nurturing care inward—towards yourself and your fellow veterinary warriors.

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  • Life Insurance 101

    In Life Insurance on

    Life insurance is important. It shouldn’t be confusing. That’s why we want to help you understand exactly what it is, how it works, and why it’s necessary.

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  • Creating a Lasting Impact: Life Insurance for Veterinarians Who Care

    Creating a Lasting Impact: Life Insurance for Veterinarians Who Care

    In Life Insurance on

    Pause to think for a second. Have you ever stopped to consider how your legacy will extend beyond your life? It’s a difficult thought, but it’s important to think about what might happen to the people—and causes—you care about when you’re gone. Life insurance can provide you with an opportunity to make a lasting impact on the things that matter most to you—even after you’re…

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  • Tips for Creating a Heart-Centered and Low-Stress Veterinary Practice

    Tips for Creating a Heart-Centered and Low-Stress Veterinary Practice

    In Uncategorized on

    When you chose to become a veterinarian, you knew what an amazing career field you were entering. Every day, you have the privilege of helping animals in need of care. But what you may not have known when you first chose veterinary medicine was the stress that comes with the career. The hours can be long, client interactions aren’t always positive, and some patients can’t…

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  • Disability Insurance in Action

    Disability Insurance in Action

    In Disability Insurance on

    For most of us, the chances that we could become disabled due to an illness or injury seems unlikely. But there’s no getting around the fact that it does happen—every day—to people just like us.

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  • Love Well with Life Insurance

    Love Well with Life Insurance

    In Life Insurance on

    Let’s get real. Life is never guaranteed from one day to the next. And when it comes to your loved ones’ future, you want to make sure they’re set up for success—even after you’re gone. If something happened to you, your loved ones need to be able to cope financially. Life insurance is what helps protect them from the potentially devastating financial losses that could…

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  • Dispelling Disability Myths

    Dispelling Disability Myths

    In Disability Insurance on

    Disability isn’t often the topic of conversation, but it’s something that changes a person’s life, either temporarily or permanently. You may not think you’ll ever become disabled, but it’s a higher chance than you might think. And disability doesn’t just happen to the elderly—it affects people of all ages.

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  • Uncovering the Connection Between Your Eye and Mouth Health and Your Overall Wellbeing

    Uncovering the Connection Between Your Eye and Mouth Health and Your Overall Wellbeing

    In Dental, Vision on

    Seeing a primary care physician is a regular practice for most people. Our yearly checkups are intended to make sure everything is in good condition. But many people don’t realize how crucial regular eye exams and dental appointments can be to maintaining overall wellness. The health of your eyes and mouth may be more important than you know.

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